

  • Hannah, Kistinbee, MecuryBlue, good job! I had lost 0,5 kg this week, a few cakes...oups, and a cold...but I am back in business as usual. I intend to reach my calories too. I established a few routines: drinking my water, eating fruits and yogurt with wholegrains. But I am strugling with eating vegetables :(( . So: CW…
  • Hi Taliko! Congrats' for weightloss.
  • Hello ladies, How are you doing? Today had arrived st Nicholas and we received a lot of sweets in our shoes. So I sinned. I ate 6 bonbons :((((( . I couldn't help myself. :((((( I also made homemade chocolate :((( and I taste 1 spoon. :(((( I had a cold and I used this excuse to not exercise and eat healthy. Now I am in a…
  • I will be honest. My DS is a such a "in mommy arms" boy. So, if I want to exercise, my DH entertain him. I am using workouts dvd: Jane Fonda - Complete personal trainer, Ministry of sound - Dance workout, just dancing or pushing the stroller on our town' hills lol. 3 months after CS I tried not to push myself. My mother…
  • I have a cold too :((( . but I thought it's not a good thing to exercise when you have a cold. Now, seeing you, if I feel better in the afternoon, I will make low impact aerobics.
  • 'grats for the good day on gym. When DS had growrh spurts, I could,'t find better results then bf more often. He stayed all night attached to my breast. For me it wasn't a big problem. Hope it helps . I am sorry I don't have better ideas. My DD has fever, my DS is teething and I succed to go to the dentist and eat 2 meals:…
  • ok YAY..... CW 59 kg I LOST 3 KG last week W 62 kg SW 65 kg GW 53 kg waist - 75 cm I lost 5 cm last week waist - 80 cm starting waist- 90 cm Today I did about 45 min cardio, but this evening I ate some balls made with cheese, eggs. Is it ok? I made this evening groceries so tomorow defintely a clean day.
  • hi Marie, When I have DH home, I place DS in his arms, and I don't care about anything, I just start my workout. And after workout I have to do the other chores. Just do it. Don't think to much because you are gone end doing nothing. If I can't exercise for a whole hour, I am going a walk with DD and DS or we dancing in…
  • 1. Grate 2 fresh peeeled potatoes. Spray with alcohol . Put the grated potatoes in a cloth , and put this on your neck and stay like this warm in your bed 2. boil very hard 2 big onions, with a lid on that pot. A cup of this tea with 2 spoons of honney. Drink slowly. Sorry for my english, sometimes is very hard to me to…
  • Hi Sonshinersmom! Nice to have you here! I record everything about my weightloss in my personal blog, everything I eat, exercise, or I do for helping weightloss. It's in romanian so I don't think it helps a lot ( ;) ) I started with a few pictures and measurements and after 2 weeks it was much easier…
  • I tought that too, or we think it's harder. Maybe patience and consecvence is the only way to achieve our goals. Every day I feel that it works slow, but measurements and scale don't lie. even if it's only a cm. I will go on with my diet and workout. It's impossible to not change how our body looks.
  • ty ladies for your good thoughts.After I gave birth to DD Claudia 6 years ago I had 200 lbs (sw 110 lbs before), but I melt fat quicly without exercise or diet in 7 8 months. I don't know why now after DS birth I have to work so hard for every lb. And believe me moms my diet is so clean... My only cheat is a slice of whole…
  • So today - Pictures day after 14 days of hard work. Sorry for the low quality I didn't had my digital camera, but I was very curious about results. It's not much but for me it's a big start.
  • I am EBF with a little baby food, and I am not restrictive with calories, I think I eat about 1800 cal, vitamins, minerals tablets But I really don't touch bad carbs, only clean and fresh food, and a lot of cardio
  • I was forced today to eat only puree food, due to my visit to the dentist, 5 km walk, 45 min cardio. Tomorow pics, measurements, and weigh in
  • You re my oposite. I am so wrong I know. I want more low glycemic foods, I want more exercise, I want more massage each day. And of course it's not realistic with 2 kids. And I end being frustrated to not achieving my daily goals.
  • It was hard for me to start, but it was easier for me to plan ahead on paper. Meals and grocery list, So I couldn''t find excuses.
  • Good morning girls, I was a "saint" today. I did my workout, had a healthy breakfast and snack, and did twice massage. I want so bad to be decent in my christmas outfit. The day after tomorow = 2 weeks of diet cardio and massage so : pictures, measurements and weigh in.
  • My name is Catalina,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage. Ty for adding me.
  • Good morning, I'm waiting for my scale, and I will post my cw too. RockNRollWeekend , it was my fault too that I gained so much weight post partum. But I have a little excuse :blushing: .Till now it was a chalenge even to reach bathroom, with DS always in my arms.
  • When one of my kids is sick, I am almost paralised. Ioose all my routines, everything I do is watching my baby. Maybe I shouldn't be a paranoic, but I can't help myself. :cry:
  • Hi girls. A chaotic day. a lot of visits, and I almost didn't eat. I just had no time. :angry: 1. pears apples bananas 2. yoghurt 3. a few slices bacon. No cardio or any workout.:sad: That's outrageous. Tomorow 5 healthy and rich meals. and a lot of cardio.
  • Happy birthday for your DH Hannah. I have 5 meals too. Today: 8.00 fruits pears 11.00 steam chicken, 1 egg, kohlrabi, tomatoes 14.00 rice with carrots 16.00 whole grain pasta 19.00 salad cabbage tomatoes I wasn't in mood to make a certain workout so I just dance today for a half of hour. My DS is teething so I didn't have…
  • Hi moms, I am Catalina, 29 yrs old, sahm, 2 kids, 6 yrs old DD Claudia, 7 month old DS Razvan. Before DS I had 49 kg and now 62 kg, SW 65. It's dificult to make all workouts and meals, DS wants only in my arms, but DH is very suportive. Seems like each day is a chalenge. I started 9 days ago, everything is wrote on paper,…
  • Hi bikini babes :flowerforyou: I want to join your group if it's possible. I started my body transformation 9 days ago, and I am very satisfied with results. My tummy no longer looks like a 5 months prego. :laugh: You can see my starting pics in my profile. I will update it week 3. I am going to to now a 60 min cardio w,…