

  • Welcome back, I was gone for a year as well and today is only day 2 for me. I am doing it this time for real! And sticking with it! Feel free to add me as a friend (I have 90 pounds total to lose) I also have some really bad family history including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, ovarian…
  • I really hope you are right! There is one trail here and it's 3.5 miles to the top of the mountain. I really want to do that one.
  • I get all excited on trails and I am pumped up before we go. About halfway through I am sweating and complaining but I do as much as I can before I turn around. My biggest problem is worrying about going back up the hill I just came down if I have to go back the way I came.
  • He is the MOST patient person I have ever met in my life. I think he would let me throw myself on the ground and throw a fit and just stand there til I was finished and then positively encourage me. I don't think I would have even got on the bike to begin with if it wasn't for his encouragement :) And it is beautiful here…
  • Thanks everyone for all the tips and kind words. I hope one day I can post here and say "I just completed my first race" or even "I out rode my husband today" it's not likely for the second one but hey you never know. :)
  • That is me! I always feel like he is hating it. But he says he doesn't and he is so encouraging. I really do enjoy it even if I can't go very far. I loved riding my bike as a kid and I would take it anywhere and always keep up with the boys. I find that I still have that in me I just need to get in-shape so I can do it…
  • My bike is a Motobecane Fantom29 trail....my husband wouldn't let me ride a Walmart bike or any kind of cheap bike at all even though I told him maybe he should start me out on something cheap incase I wreck. So far no wrecks!! I live in Hawaii (for now) and we have tons of trails but most of them are up hill. There are a…
  • You are right! When I got on the bike for the first time last month it was the first time I had been on one since I was probably 12 years old. So 20 years ago. It came right back though, I guess you really never forget how to ride a bike haha. My husband will ride the 8 miles with me at my pace and then go ride 20 by…
  • I am only 5'1 and I have over 50 pounds to lose. A doctors office would tell you 110 is a good weight for me but even when I was thin I was nowhere near that. I'd be thrilled a 130. Feel free to add me, I need all the inspiration I can get!!