trail_seeker Member


  • Glad to see folks talking on here recently. I know that motivation can be difficult to find. I've made strides after connecting and following with others on MFP. Now I see all the activity from my MFP friends and that motivates me to continue tracking and posting. I'm just hit 150 days of tracking and that really is making…
  • Gum is a great thing to have for that anxious need to chew. I find when I stress eat, it's on something crunchy like chips or M&Ms. Gum fills the same need without the calories.
  • kjbarone - I feel your pain about eating something, then tracking it in MFP and getting a shock, Sometimes if I am faced with a challenging day, like going out to eat at a restaurant with co-workers I'll pre-track my meal by researching what the restaurant has and plugging in different options until I find a meal that…
  • bwogilvie - when you get back into cycling, please do not be discouraged if you find your capacity a bit limited at first because you have been sick. You'll bounce back once you get back into whatever routine was working for you before you got sidetracked. That's the cool thing about becoming athletic - I've definitely…
  • Jessamyn - thanks for your comments. I love your idea about only watching certain shows at the gym, what a great reward system. My mom suggested I try stationary biking so I can still do something to get my heart rate up. Might be time for that gym membership (plus it gets way too hot in Florida to run outside past May or…
  • When I eat better food on a regular schedule I don't have the same urge to snack. Filling up on veggies and skipping lots of sweets and processed foods helps. Having healthy options around helps a ton. I find I am more likely to snack when I haven't gotten my 8 glasses of water in that day. I've been doing more…
  • I have an update since I last posted. I definitely have a new perspective. I was feeling passive and controlled by my snacking urges (i.e. controlled by food). Then my 10K training got delayed when I fell while trail running and tore a ligament in my shoulder. I'm in a sling for a few weeks and cannot run. That means it's…
  • Hey y'all! I've been a long time lurker of MeFi (sans account) and I love the culture there. I mostly read AskMeFi and MetaTalk. I started out getting by going from a sedentary lifestyle to become active after joining a running club. In Florida. In August. It wasn't the easiest thing but somehow fate gave me a freebie…
  • I hit a plateau a while back, and then also started having an insatiable appetite. I'm similar to you in that I have a reasonable breakfast and lunch, but dinner and late night snacks get the best of me (and usually make up nearly 70% of my daily calories). One small change that made for a huge improvement was to add…