

  • I'm right there with you. I hate it. The sweating and getting stinky is the worst part for me. Yes... I feel a little more upbeat afterwards, but then I have to spend more time washing off the icky. I have JUST (as in last week) started exercising again and have to force myself to do it. Gosh I wish laying around reading a…
  • That is GREAT! Did you lose more in the beginning and then it tapered off to a steady decline?
  • LOVED reading this! I have several things like that at the back of my closet that I'm SO ready to wear! Good for you!!!
  • I did a package of grocery store sushi for lunch today... nine average sized roll pieces. 4 were crab and cucumber with avocado on top and 5 were tuna (raw) with salmon (raw) on top. Because it was prepackaged it had the calorie amount on the label and said all nine piece added up to 488 calories. Hope that helps!
  • These before and afters are SO inspiring! Thank you for posting.