

  • Great job! I TOTALLY hear you with the "spanx so tight if I bent over they would roll down"! The best is when you're in spanx at a fancy dinner and they just decide to roll down on their own while you're sitting at the table. Ha! Awesome to see that you don't need them anymore! I have been a size 14 for atleast 5 years, so…
  • Thanks everyone! I'll try the measurements and maybe increasing my calories a little. It will be hard since I am coming from a place of having a glass of wine just about every day and going nuts with unhealthy snacks, so maybe I'll start with the zig zag approach. More calories one day, less the next. Also, I don't have a…
  • Have you looked at the TurboFire book? They want you to eat soo many calories. I feel like if I don't watch it for 1 day I will put on a few pounds. I've found that my 30's are sooo different than my 20's for weight loss!
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I can't imagine that calorie counting and working out like crazy will really not yield any results, but it would be so encouraging to see the scale moving at least a little! I'm trying to do this the "right" way this time. A few years ago I did the South Beach Diet, and didn't work…
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