landb925 Member


  • I went 9 months and then when I went to the doctor to find out what was going on I was diagnosed with PCOS. The doctor also explained that it is dangerous to go more than a couple months without a period. It is a good thing to find a way either with meds or naturally if you can to regulate it. Good luck!
  • You did not discourage me. Luckily, and thank god, I was able to have a healthy pregnancy with no hormone issues and delivered a healthy baby. It is the before and after I struggle with. When reading your story and the experiences of others I am finding comfort in knowing I am not alone. There are days where it just hits…
  • I have heard a lot about glucomannan these days. Is it something you can just get at your local GNC or vitamin store? I have yet another glucose tolerance test on monday to see what my blood sugar is like. Do you have any at home kickboxing programs you use or do you go to a gym? Thanks!!!!
  • I conceived after three rounds of Clomid. I did not have the crazy mood swings like most report but I did have morning sickness and crraaaazy hot flashes. I also required a higher dosage because of my weight. Good luck!
    in CLOMID Comment by landb925 November 2012
  • I would love to be friends. I was diagnosed with PCOS last December but approximately 120lbs too late. It went undiagnosed for too long. I just had a baby and am now trying hard to beat this!