adthomas218 Member


  • @sngnyrslp - I am SUPER excited!!! And thanks for letting me know about the 30 DAY SHRED in advance....I thought about posting a topic on that last night, but now I will join with you all!! :) Thanks! @merimeaux - Oh I cannot wait!!! and, yes it is my first time! Honestly, I am already thinking about ordering tickets for…
  • I know it's late on Day 3 (11:36pm), but Day 3 is done.....looking forward to DAY 4 !!!!! I feel soooooo MOTIVATED :]
  • :yawn: I have felt that way for a looooong time....but I figured well why not ask, I'll finally have my answer!! I knew it was too good to be true....all of that popcorn for 110 calories. I did the same thing as you did- measured out the entire bag and discovered there was more popcorn in there than they claimed. Why must…
  • Thanks so much!!! You all made it seem so easy, and now I feel foolish:blushing: ....especially for eating 250 calories in popcorn!!! :sad: Maybe that's why I wasn't losing anything for a couple weeks about a month ago....the microwave popcorn!!! Now I know not to eat the entire bag!! Thanks again for your calculations!!…
  • Thats okay! MAKE SURE YOU DO IT TODAY!! You can do this!! (I don't blame you for not waking your son).
  • Okay...I did it last night at 11pm and just completed it again!! Should I log in daily to this topic to let you guys know I have done it???? Day 1 - Dec. 1 : Complete 11pm Day 2 - Dec 2 : Complete 11:20am Should we take our measurments ...I know there is a section on our personal info to keep track of those ....or should…
  • I usually take a 40 minute walk (almost 3 miles) and then do 30 Day Shred, and I feel fine! DO NOT EAT THE EXTRA CALORIES YOU GET FROM EXERCISING!!! That is going to be your daily calorie deficit. ---Unless you really feel hungry or weak, and feel you NEED a few extra calories....try eating a fruit or a veggie; but if you…
  • I looove/hate that workout. You can feel yourself being shredded! If it's your first time, expect to be VERY sore tomorrow....but by Day 6 I'm guessing you'll be feeling sooooo much stronger and it WILL be easier. The best part, it is 20 minutes. I tell myself I CAN DO ANYTHING for 20 mins. EVERYDAY. I'll definetly join…