siendi Member


  • FLAX BREAD mix ground flax (1/4 cup) with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or butter. Beat in 1 egg. Add 1 tsp of baking powder. Put IT in a bowl that is the shape you want the bread (like round for a bun, for example). Microwave for 1 minute. Immediately turn it over and out of the bowl you cooked it in. In a few minutes it will…
  • Large mushroom with a cheese & bacon filling (or just cheese) Pepper filled with cheese & bacon & mushroom filling
  • Have you ever considered a low-carb diet? I have tried every diet under the sun but it's always low-carb lifestyle that works for me. I've dropped 5lbs in the last 6 days and feel awesome. I feel energetic and never feel hungry x
  • Absolutely awesome - you look amazing!! Well done!! Great inspiration!! :) x