adomater Member


  • This week I have been able to run and walk 41.2 km. Total to date is now 137.3 km. the running still feels slow but I need to keep it that way for the time being. I can't afford an injury. October 22nd still looks good for the MEC run in Calgary. There are multiple distances available, we should all sign up and run/walk…
  • For myself to date on the challenge I have 96 points, all running. So far I am still keeping my pace moderate. I have been reading that trying to go fast too soon will inevitably lead to injury. One quote that really struck home was from John Stanton 'I know of no one who sustained injury by running too slow.' Congress…
  • This week started off bad as I was sick. Ran twice at the end of the week for a weekly total of 17 km. Challenge total of 17 km of running. 1.7% complete!
  • Found this group today and thought I would join. I finished W3D2 today and all went well. I enjoy the gradual yet challenging progressions that help me feel that there is improvement happening. I am gearing up for a 5k run on April 11.
  • Good Luck! I am on week 3 with the treadmill version. So far the easy gradual start has allowed me success without injury.