Led722 Member


  • I did plyometrics today. I think the hardest part was figuring out the specifics of each move, which way we are turning and jumping etc. Overall it was a good workout and I am looking forward to improving on it next time around since I know what I will be doing. lol
  • Hello Everyone, I would like to join as well. I just started today with chest and back combined with ab ripper x and can already feel my body getting sore from the workout. I am doing the classic version. I just finished Power90 this past Saturday. I was definitely ready to move on to something more challenging and after…
  • birgithooker, on the cardio/abs one on Power90 I burn about 700 cals according to my HR monitor on level III-IV but I also weigh quite a bit so I am burning more cals than the average person would. I would guess that the 600 cals is pretty accurate for for the average person. I am guess. Hope this helps!
  • I am doing Power90 right now and just use the "add exercise to the database" option at the bottom of the screen which shows up after you do a search for the exercise. I just name it after the video I am doing and its based off of minutes of the workout and calories burned.I don't know if you have heart rate monitor but…