

  • is it to late to join....I would love to lose 15 pounds....<3.<3.<3.
  • Me toooo....... Name: Mary Starting Weight: 147lbs Goal Weight:140lbs by December 31 I believe with the help and inspiration of my new MFP friends.....extra cardio....and daily food journaling....we can do this : ) Ready...Set...Good Luck everyone...:heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Oh honey....I have lived that way my whole life....:blushing: ....UNTIL I discovered Fiber One. I have tried all the different types, but TRUST me when I tell you...the ORIGINAL kind (the one that looks like little sticks) wonders.... :love: I eat it EVERY morning with either blueberries or strawberries...and I am…
  • Thank you....I appreciate the are wonderful and I wish you luck in your journey...:flowerforyou: ....please stay in touch.... :drinker:
  • Congratulations Lin....keep up the good work....I can't wait to join you...:heart:
    in Hello Comment by joeytroy November 2010