katmumn Member


  • Hi, welcome and congrats on turning 40. I'm 43 and also live in Minnesota. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • SW: 142.0 CW: 142.0 GW : 127 2/1: 142.0 2/8: 2/15: 2/22: And to the OP's question about weather, I'm having a tough time with the winter weather this year. I normally try to walk outside even during the winter if it's at least 15 F but in the last 2 months, it's been below that most of the time. I'm looking for other ideas…
  • I slipped and gain back what I had lost last year after re-injuring my back and spending 2 months not working out and in physical therapy. I'm starting again and hoping to get back to where I was.
  • I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I'm trying to get back on the wagon too. Feel free to add me.
  • I actually have a old (maybe 12 years old) CycleOps that I think might still be in the basement. It was a fluid one. Have they improved much since then? Edit: The bike is my old touring bike if that matters. It's a 1985 Trek 620.
  • I didn't have anything to drink as we also had to fast for the bloodwork. Would this make it more or less accurate?
  • I'm 5'2 3/4" and my goal weight is 128. I'm currently 140. Until about 4 years ago, I was usually between 115 and 120. I'm not sure at almost 43 if that's going to be a weight I can get back to.
  • Im not trying to be perfect, I'm aiming for better at this point. I'm still struggling with what my workout routine should be, what and how much I should be eating without feeling like I'm starving myself. My goal is to be at a weight where I will feel healthy, and hoepfully see my cholesterol numbers come down a bit. I…
  • There is a Zumba version for the Wii too isn't there? I will need to get my Wii back from my 20 yr old, although he also has an XBox so I guess I could borrow that too. Thanks. Yes, this winter has been brutal for trying to work out outside. Some of the sidewalks near me are still pretty icy.
  • Thanks all fo rthe replies. I'm going to try setting my base calories to 1500, figuring with my exercise calories I will be close to the 1680 80% of TDEE mark. I'm hoping this works. I'm trying to lose at least 10 lbs, not just for the weight loss , but I'm hoping it will help bring down my cholesterol numbers a bit.
  • Have you ever tried physical therapy? That's what helped me. My favorite therapy was in a warm water pool, but I actually started with regular PT after being rear-ended on the interstate. Muscle relaxers didn't work for me.
  • It's definitely not too late. I'm in my 40s, but my doctor recommended I take a cholesterol education class as my numbers were a bit elevated this last time. The nutritionist who teaches my class also recommended MFP. I think you're off to a good start. I log every day and aim to exercise 5-6 days a week, even if it's just…
  • I would see if another bagel restaurant posts their nutrition information and try to gauge based on that. Somewhere like Brueggers, Panera, etc.
  • Thanks Rosie. I'll try that tonight and see how it goes.
  • Were you always overweight? No, for me it really started about 4-5 years ago when I was going through a divorce and went on antidepressants to deal with the stress. I gained about 35 lbs. I've managed to lose 20 lbs but I've been stuck at around 140 for a while (I'm 5'3") Did you "let yourself go"? I think some of it was…
  • bump- hoping someone can give me some advice. Thanks.
  • My birthday is in less than 3 weeks. I'll be 43 so I'm trying not to think about it too much but it does motivate me. Good luck!
  • My job is pretty high stress and long hours. I work in IT and we finished moving the entire company to a new ERP system a few months ago, so it's been really grueling. I drive to work and it's almost 30 miles each way. During the week, I started by focusing on small workouts and save the longer ones for the weekend. Even…
  • I'm on day 5. Has anyone else had issues with the cardio being too high impact? I'm wondering if the exercises are aggravating my stress fracture in my left foot, as its been hurting the last 2 times after the workout. My foot was broken twice before I developed the stress fractures. I'm trying to decide if I should modify…
  • I started on the 21st. I would like to be added too.
  • I agree, if I'm going to go to Noodles & Co, I usually do the small Japanese Pan Noodles with tofu or chicken but even that has to be on a day when I have the calories to spare.
  • If I'm going to do fast food, I prefer Culvers (I do like their soup) and Jimmy Johns (add dijon hold the mayo). Chipotle, Noodles & Company and Subway are the only other options close to work that I would consider. Near home, I have better options for healthier eating.
  • Is the pinched nerve due to a disc issue? If so, I would clear it with your doctor before you start to lift. I had to start small, with resistance bands and small weights. I would think walking or other low impact cardio might be good though. I hope the muscle relaxers work for you, they've never done anything for me.
  • Thanks for posting the articles. That helped. I like the idea of varying my workouts everyday, but I think crossfit might be a little too hardcore for me at this stage in my life. I used to be one of those bike 100 miles in a day or spend 2 hours in the gym per day kind of people, but that was in my 20s.
  • I keep hearing about crossfit. Can someone define what exactly the routine involves for me? I do like circuit training, but I do it on my own.
  • I'm 42 for a few more weeks. It's definitely not too late! I want to live the rest of my life in as healthy a way as I can. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 42, for a few more weeks anyway, with 2 sons who are 20 and 21. My kids tell me I'm cool. Possibly that's just so I will do things for them, but still it's better than the opposite I guess. I just started logging again this week. Exercise has been mostly walking and weights. I started Jilian's 30 day shred yesterday.…
  • I'm another 40 something from Minnesota. I lost about 15 lbs about a year ago, and now I'm trying to work on the last 10. Feel free to add me as a friend. I know what you mean about the yo-yo. I've struggled with that for a long time.
  • Born in Wisconsin (my family used the hospital just over the border), raised in Illinois, lived in Minnesota for the last 18 years.