

  • OK I know Walmart and I also have GNC health food store across from my building. I will go check it out tonight! Thanks. I heard that CLA (Conjucated Linoelic Acid) does that too. Is that right? Thanks!
    in Hello Comment by mslofty December 2009
  • Thanks Niky1215. I am going to have 4 next times :)
  • I am not sure if you guys know what I meant by hand roll. These rolls look like a christmas tree. They use a big sheet of seaweed, 4 inch tuna and sushi rice and just roll it up. These rolls are NOT cut up into smaller pieces. If they are around 60 calories each, then I swear I am going to back back for double next time I…
  • Swissmiss, I am just starting to eat right. I need to lose the fat on my tummy. I am interested in knowing more option to help suplement my goal in losing the tummy. So you mention that Whey Protein Powder work? Do you have a recommended brand? Thanks
    in Hello Comment by mslofty November 2009