the people who"ll notcie you now are not worth it at all!
i have a tattoo of pterodactyl :p
at twinseven
i have body only shots :( one pic means that's the ony one they look attractive in ;o
im in!:)
thanks :p
silly :p
it makes me feel "pretty" for a little but i feel like a few more pounds and i'll hopefully be a little less insecure about somethings;/
i shaved the side of my hair (side cut) it was fun :p
i watch it a lot! but im constantly disguisted yet entertained D:
legs :p
ae one point!:p Im a tatoo artist and personal assistant!
red neckacle and gorgeous smile! definetely the winner(:
@canelly a model ;p
Gonna be 20! EVERYONE ADD :)
19 ish good enough!(:
oh, than thanks!@datnative
i was IN a band. sorry x(
i have a couple weeks :p
i sing too! did a band in highschool lol
back at you!(:
DRUMMER!!!! i can play guitar and im learning bass(: Drummers should add me:)
pterodactyl!!<333 too bad they're extinct :(