

  • I am an RN in a group home of 7 residents. There are two other staff that are similar to CNA's. I also have quite a bit of down time, and it is easy to eat too much. I have to pay very close attention to the sound monitors from the rooms (seizures, breathing difficulties, etc..) , so I can't hang out and watch TV in the…
  • I'll give it a shot, when I get off work. I do a modified kind, no jumping, since my knees are bad. I step out to each side with each leg and arm and then back in again. Not quite as good as the real kind, but still gets the muscles working and the heart rate up. Thanks for posting a challenge.
  • RN in a group home for individual with severe developmental disabilities and severe chronic medical conditions, 7pm to 7:30 am.
  • I take vitamin D for depression Oct - April - has tons of other benefits though. I take a multi-vitamin. I buy chewable ones, because I can't make myself swallow more than one or two pills a day. Anybody have a recommendation for a Vit D and Calcium combined, or a calcium chewable that taste good? I tried GNC and Target…