I'm taking antidepressants and they not only caused significant weight gain (of course, I'm also to blame for not keeping an eye on things), they seems to be making it difficult to lose weight/keep it off.
Hi! I'm Jonille from Brooklyn, NY, USA! I'm trying to lose baby weight/postpartum antidepressant weight. I could really use some support, so I can keep off whatever I lose this time!
1,000,000 sit-ups a day will give you a six-pack. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch today, so I can pig out at dinner and lose weight! Lifting heavy will make you bulky/muscular/make you look like a man (I had a friend tell me that again as recently as this summer!). You can't eat ___ if you want to lose weight! You HAVE to…
I FEEL like I just started. I'm a yo-yo dieter, and I'm trying to lose about 30 lbs and KEEP IT OFF. I've been on MFP for almost a year, but I've never really stuck to it. HELP! I really want to start seeing the numbers steadily go DOWN for once, instead of losing one pound and gaining two!