

  • 18 years old, 34 pounds lost and 33 more to go! :) Feel free to add me!
  • I have no special restriction on carbs -I try to keep my intake of it minimal like everything else- but feel free to add me for support!! :) Side note- I tried to do Atkins and the low-carb diet once and it kind of made me a little crazy. When I got off of it I never took a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios for granted again :P
  • I completely understand where you're coming from, but I have to disagree! Totally ignoring the "male-influence" thing, it is so important for young girls to find their self-esteem themselves. A parent's role in all of this should be to provide their children with the tools they need to find that confidence within…
  • That's such a great attitude to have towards all of this! And it's true, hating your body does nothing but weigh you down and make the journey a hundred times harder.
  • That's so true!! Unfortunately for me, I've been at a plateau at my current weight for some time now so I forget what it is that I've improved/lost. I wish I took before/after pictures so I would be able to see all of the work paying off :/
  • "How to talk to your daughter about her body, step one: don’t talk to your daughter about her body, except to teach her how it works. Don’t say anything if she’s lost weight. Don’t say anything if she’s gained weight. If you think your daughter’s body looks amazing, don’t say that. Here are some things you can say instead:…