

  • Do you mean the calorie counts in the foods you are eating or the calories you are burning from exercise? For the foods you eat, if they are packaged use the barcode scanner to retrieve the information. When going to restaurants look up their menus online ahead of time. Otherwise, just check to see if the nutrition…
  • Bodymedia measures your movement on the same 3 axes as a FitBit, but it has sensors on the back that measure your skin temp, heat flux (sweatyness), etc. in addition to what FitBit measures. I did my research on it as well and ended up going with the BodyMedia. I LOVE it! I play roller derby with it on - it's really…
  • Bodymedia measures your movement on the same 3 axes as a FitBit, but it has sensors on the back that measure your skin temp, heat flux (sweatyness), etc. in addition to what FitBit measures. I did my research on it as well and ended up going with the BodyMedia. I LOVE it! I play roller derby with it on - it's really…