

  • Can I share this group and it's existence with the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association page on FB? I don't know if you are still wanting a group, but I've spent the past 2 days searching for support groups for 2 reasons. One, I want to stay and keep informed on any and everything related to HCM. Two, our youngest son…
  • I don't want to alarm you, but have you talked to a Dr. about it? Our 9 yr. old son did a stress test on a treadmill. The Cardiologist was concerned when his heart rate and blood pressure didn't rise. Could you please at least call a nurse hotline. It's probably nothing, but it would make me feel better. I don't know you…
  • I came on here and have checked out FB, too, for mom with children that have HCM. I have it and one of our 2 sons has it also. Our youngest is 9 and had an ICD/Pacemaker put in on July 29th. It's great to find other moms for support. How is the search for the heart transplant?