

  • That is why I posted on the forum... to get help from others, esp those who are on the same meds. Of course I know this little pill is not going to solve ALL my problems, but I know it will HELP. My instant gratification quote was taken out of context, and has gotten negative comments about it. All I was making example of,…
  • Wow. Thanks for the honesty, but what a way to kill someone's way of trying to lose weight. I mostly ate whatever I wanted out of boredom, it has nothing to do with mental issues. I've taken the nutrition classes, seen a dietian, and yes, a therapist as well. Everything I have done has not been helping me, and like I said,…
  • I mainly just needed a boost to help me lose weight and be off the blood sugar meds for good. I was also diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, which my OBGYN warned me would make it harder for me to lose weight and have kids. I know a few ppl who have taken this and lost a huge amt of weight. I work in an office…
  • The doc DID say it would be a short term use. I have to see him once a week so he can monitor how my body is handling the meds, and what I am eating. Even if I cheated (ate a donut, cupcake, etc), I put it on here cuz I felt guilty lol. I started the meds yesterday morn, and noticed my appetite was really supressed. I had…