

  • Wow! What awesomeness. I love the pictures to show how much different you looked every month. Very awesome!! And looking good I will add! I think I will do this with my husband to show how much he loses! =)
  • I once dated a guy who cheated on me with four different women during a relationship. We we had spent three years in an off and on again relationship. He decided to break up with me after the fourth one because the guilt was eating him up. However, when I found out I had never been angrier or hated anyone more in my entire…
  • Well, working in retail I can tell you I meet a lot more snobby poor people with no interest to save money then I have rich people who have no concern for others. =/ I would give the guys a chance, they might surprise you! =) They could end up being fun brothers in law! =)
  • I like to walk around in the mall for exercise whether the weather is too hot or cold to enjoy. Or Barnes and Noble. Something big. I also like to play just dance 3 and other dancing games on my kinect and wii. It's fun and it makes you sweat! I'm looking forward to purchasing a wii u so I can get wii fit u. Just some…