mariabgood Member


  • In terms of how I eat, I have tried cutting back on sugar, and it does help, and on other simple carbs, and eating more fruits and vegetables. But really, it's all about the math - calories in and calories out. MFP is great because it helps you track all that and tells you when you need more calories and when you are…
  • I know it can take a while for all of us to find the balance that works for us in terms of how best to lose (and keep off) that unwanted weight, so congratulations for being persistent and for asking for help! I agree that it may be that you are not taking in enough calories and that your body may be in starvation mode. I…
  • I second what dinacav says - if 1200 is too restrictive, consider tracking your exercise and eating your exercise calories. Also, you might reconsider limiting yourself to only 1200. That may be too radical for you, personally, to stick to at first. I know in our house, my partner has been aiming for 1200 and usually falls…