Greetings, I'm from Sydney and found this site via the iphone app. I find it useful and thanks to the bloke who posted the conversion of the oz to 30grams. I will remember that one! I have hashimoto's (a form of slow thryoid) and dont metabolise efficiently ie body temp is 35.6 instead of 36.5 - bummer but I am working at…
Salt remains sodium chloride despite its point of origin - too much salt will raise your blood pressure. Unless of course Celtic Sea Salt is not really salt at all but something else. cheers Lynn
I read a report not long ago (but sorry dont t have the reference) that showed skim milk is not only as effective in replacying electroytes as specific replacement drinks but they proved that people who drank skim milk actually lost more weight. Probably a google search would find it ... I dont think they looked at full…