

  • Ashton Cutxher was hospitalized just a few months ago because he tried the all fruit diet to prepare for a roll in the movie he was working on. According to the reports that I seen it caused his pancreas to become severely inflamed and he was in the hospital for several days. Fruits have a lot of acid and natural sugars in…
  • I was part of a weight watchers group when I was younger, I didn't really get much success with it then but maybe it has changed. I have lost 40 pounds and kept it off for a year now with fitnesspal and calorie counting. Results of each type of program are different for everyone though. I have friend who has lost alot of…
  • You can add me if you want. I have 4 kids in 5 years also. I have never been really thin but after the kids it just got out of hand. Everyone shoves food at you while you are pregnant and then after you have kids you snack on whatever they are snacking on just grab meals on the go so it just kept adding up. I have lost…