

  • I had the same kind of January! Im in too!
  • Hi! Im new too so that would be great! If you have facebook im on there too and my page is called "journey to the center of my worth" join me there too if you want to!
    in Newbie! Comment by joynrudy January 2012
  • I just went outside and started walking, then when I felt I was ready I started joggng, then when I needed to stop I stopped. But keep doing this and you will build up and be on your way to a 5K! You can do this! Its very rewarding and with 4 kids you need to have your own thing that you do! Good Luck!!
  • Thanks for starting this. I have done a few 5Ks for about a year now and they have really motivated me to run. I love it ! Its very motivational. I keep trying to beat my previous time. If you have not yet signed up for a 5K I would suggest doing it. Crossing the finish line can almost bring tears to your eyes knowing you…