

  • Wow, sounds like you have been through the wringer! Things were worse for me before my diagnosis. I didn't even realize half of what was wrong with me until I got diagnosed. The only symptom I even noticed was that my period was starting to skip months, that alone had me scared. After I got diagnosed it turns out my eyes…
  • LOL, this cracked me up so much! I'm kind of the same way. I think MFP has really helped me to realize how much I used to snack, and I actually realize when I'm getting full and stop eating when I really need to. I'm definitely developing better eating habits. Well, maybe I should clarify. I wasn’t using my thyroidectomy…
  • *shrug* None of my doctors (it was my OBGYN who discovered that I was most likely having thyroid problems, and I've had three Endocrinologists over the past 5 years) have used the word hypOthyroid to describe my situation ever, even after the surgery. I have never been told that I'll ever be able to stop the medication…
  • I was finally diagnosed as uber hyperthyroid back in 2007 and in December of the next year had to have my thyroid gland removed because things just weren’t improving with medication alone. I have been on synthroid ever since and have been slowly gaining weight throughout the past several years. I tried working out at…