

  • Congratulations!
  • That is really cool!
  • Oh how true it is!
  • I totally agree with this.
  • Anxiety/panic/paranoia are all related. They all suck rotten eggs in my humble and experienced opinion. I suffer from all. They all begin in my head and in the order I typed them. I talk them over with my shrink regularly, and my family too. Honestly the best present ever given to me was this: when the anxiety starts, just…
  • My Momma says, "Never cry when a person knocks you down. Just look them in the eye, point your other hands middle finger, and swing with your dominant hand." 'Nuf said. Lucy is adorable.
  • First of all your baby in your profile picture is adorable! Secondly, I believe they are truly jealous and can not accept anything good about another entity. I believe they are aliens. Third, if all they wanna do is be negative...they definitely need NOT be on this site. I, probably other too, need all the positive…
  • I live in a rural town. I live in a neighborhood/subdivision. I raise Boxers, yes big dogs. However, one of my favorite pets was my laying hen Scarlet. She ate the left overs when I cleaned veggies for meals. She ate laying pellets, about 25 pounds every six weeks. She had an automatic waterer like a rabbit that I had in…
  • It is so sad to think that she believed that was her only out. The children or adults responsible for the bullying need to be held accountable. 15 is an awkward age to be anything but true to yourself, whomever you feel you are then. Ridicule is no way to treat another human ever! I hope she is at peace. I am praying for…
  • Since I have a routine where each day I focus on a specific cleaning duty, I do log that time in. Today is curtain washing day, you know, climb the step ladder, take down drapes, tote across the house to my laundry room, load the washer, start the washer, go back to the room and clean the window, sills, dust, sweep, mop,…