

  • What those are missing here that are in favour of the starvation mode point of view, Is one simple thing.... actual medical research that support there view.. In my earlier posts I gave references to research debunking starvation mode. Yet we have none that gave references to research for the support of starvation mode..…
  • [/quote] The problem with asking if this phenomenon is fact or fiction is that the term "Starvation mode" is far from scientific and encompasses different things to different people. This "adaptive thermogenesis" IS STARVATION MODE according to what most people are referring to when they use the term. Semantics and…
  • Yes He did ....LOL Also maybe you should read the papers you posted ! First one on your list ...... This is an extract from the actual paper .... plus the conclusion given By the researchers.. Please explain to us all how a study in HG and LG diets and the conclusion they draw approve or disprove starvation mode ! Extract…
  • Hello all.... Again, Firstly, I would like to give everyone who has posted on this topic a warm and sincere matter what side of the fence you are on! Taking the time to post... And expressing views that are in most part directed to guide others in a helpful way and from own personal knowledge is an…
  • Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Oct;34 Suppl 1:S47-55. Adaptive thermogenesis in humans. Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL. Source Division of Molecular Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA. Quote an extract above paper "Much of this opposition to…
  • evidence points exactley that "Adaptive Thermogenesis" I am looking into this more, as it may be the key i need to understand my own funny goings on !
  • OK …..below is cited sources of actual studies done into Basal metabolic rates and metabolic efficiency in chronic undernourished …….Also many other studies regarding so called starvation modes PLEASE if any one HAS ANY TRUE scientific STUDIES that are in direct opposition to the results of these studies. Then please cite…
  • I have been looking at why.... i was not losing weight i exercise 40 mins a day hard have built muscle " believe i was eating less than 1000 calories, i am 45@ 90kg male looking aerobic fitness so i am putting in the effort and for the last two weeks have not loss a cracker... OK here why i need more info : every so called…
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