

  • What are these mom jeans? Where do you buy them cuz if they r comfortable, count me in! I want comfort. And are you all thin & fit enoufh to wear non stretch jeans?does your stomach lap over the waistband like mine? Please don't be a snob to those who aren't into tight, regular jeans. . I LOVE the stretch Jeans, and they…
  • Glad you are awake! When bored, please take a minute to ask peeps online to become an organ donor. Thousands die yearly, iwaiting for transplants that can't happen cuz of a severs shortage of donors. A littlt "bored time" could save lives. You or your loved ones could need transplant someday, so please help me 2 spread the…
  • be glad you are home alive &well. I am home alone too, but never bored. Last year I had a transplant & am thankful to be here to read your complaint!
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