

  • Happy- Glad you are feeling better!! Sounds like things are looking up! I haven't lost anything this past week... but I didn't gain either so I guess that is good. I seem to be completely stuck at this weight and I HATE it! I feel like I finally have my diet under control, but I need to get better about working out. It's…
  • cammons--That is amazing! Nice job!!
  • I'm down 1 lb this week. I was hoping for more, but it was a CRAZY week with lots of sick kiddos and stress eating :sad:
  • I would love to join as well... I have been lurking around the message boards for a while now. I just couldn't seem to find a group that fit for me, but I think I found one :wink: I have about 60 lbs to lose. It sure is hard with 2 kiddos under 3, and a home daycare... but I am trying! I definitely need a little motivation…
  • agdeierl-- I loved your Jillian rant! I am on day 2, and was feeling that way today too! Good luck :)