

  • Donna for the NewWho ... Sarah Jane and Jamie are pretty much tied for Classic :)
  • Ten over the cubicle and Donna in the window are DEFINITELY my favorites! (One of my favorite episodes -- obviously!) :heart: :heart:
  • "My Doctor" will always be Tom Baker since he was my first ... but the most recent 3 all have a place in my Whovian heart! I always refer to them like this when someone asks the difference: 9 is my big brother Doctor, 10 is my boyfriend Doctor & 11 is my best friend.
  • And I think I just send a friend request to all of you ....
  • AHHHHH! Whovians! I love you all already!
  • First thing first: lacroyx I LOVE your profile pic and ticker!!! How do you do your nights off?
  • I've been struggling with trying to figure out what will work best for me pretty much the entire 9 years I've been on third shift! The past 7 have been especially difficult since I now have a son tossed into the equation. Right now I'm working 4 nights a week 11pm-7am and then 3 nights off (my weekend starts in 40 minutes…