kehensley Member


  • I weighed in this morning at 201. Today has been a really busy and hectic day. I wasn't able to stick with healthy food choices like I should have but I'm hoping to do better.
  • Ok, so I joined MFP in Nov but I wasn't very faithful with it to say the least. I had lost a little weight. The holidays came and went.....and well they took my weight loss with them. I completely did not keep track of anything during the month of December and got really discouraged. So here I am now, ready to tackle this…
  • Oh Wow, I hope I am not too late to join in on this group. It fits in perfectly for me and my weight loss goal. Anyway, I started with MFP a couple months ago and well let's be honest the holidays came and I completely slacked on my weightloss goals. So what weight loss I originally had, I have completely gained back and a…