

  • I forgot to with any product nowadays... you will want to read the label and try to get a product that is 100% whey protein "isolate" vs. "concentrate" ... this way you get more actual protein per serving and less lactose and fat. Also, finding one that has glutamine in it as well will also aid in immune support…
  • Amy, I like to have a dose of whey protein right before I go to bed ... depending on they type of protein you use, that can be anywhere between 100-200 calories. This will benefit you in a few ways: 1. Help your body use the protein while you are sleeping (also when your body rebuilds/recovers from your daily activities)…
  • Fantastic on your quest to quit smoking!!! I quit about 8 years ago - cold turkey - and have never looked back! The best advice I can give you is simply to use the power of the mind! Imagine yourself as a healthy non-smoker...imagine the smell of cigarettes making you sick...imagine someone offering you a smoke and you…
  • You can get the foot pod on -- that would be cheaper than the Garmin site.
  • Yes, the foot pod would be a great accessory. So many treadmills are not calibrated correctly and the foot pod would help to accurately track your mileage inside. As far as swimming...I use my Polar RS400 (for the rare times I do swim...which will increase this year for triathlon training). The RS800's frequency does not…
  • Having used both Garmin and Polar, I would recommend Garmin for your situation. Here are some of my thoughts on the ones I have: Polar RS400 - great for indoors and for programming workouts. The Polar ProTrainer5 software is fantastic in analyzing, creating and tracking workouts and HR info. For HR data, Polar wins hands…
  • Hi Rowan -- sounds like you have the best "mental" challenge in front of you! If you can survive your college days in a healthy state while developing good habits, then you are well on your way to a life of success! As far as body fat%...even the various scales differ in their readings! My wife found a Taylor "Biggest…
  • Chelsi, The best one for you would depend on what exactly you plan on using it for. For example...I have 3 different ones: Polar RS400 - used for indoors at my gym (the machines read this signal) and I can swim with this one as it reads under water Polar RS800 - used outdoor for cycling with the GPS, Speed and Cadence…
  • Very good suggestion -- I would also recommend a deep-tissue massage as well. After I injured one of my Soleus nagged for a while during different runs. I got a deep-tissue massage and while extremely painful during the "working knots out," it made a world of difference afterward! Brian
  • Megan, Part of your healing is dependent upon which "calf" muscle is hurt: Gastrocnemius - what most people consider "the calf" -- visible calf muscles Soleus - the muscle under "the calf" -- usually injured while running or stepping And the next part would be to determine what type of injury you have...i.e. tear, pull,…
  • glassyo -- Thank you..that was it...clicking on "Quick Tools"
  • 4lafz -- I've clicked on all the tabs...there is nothing there for me to actually "remember meal"
  • I use my home computer, laptop and the MyFitnessPal app on my phone...maybe that is the issue?