only1gianna Member


  • I lost 40 lbs in six months doing only the Kettleworx program and I only did the 3 20-minute workouts each week - nothing extra. Also did the Fat free in 42 - food plan that's included with 1 cheat meal a week. I started with a 5lb kettlebell and progressed onto a 10 and then 15lb each time I completed the program. I loved…
  • We have 6 children - about the same ages as you have (20, 17, 16, 13, 8 and 4) - and I began my new lifestyle almost 3 years ago. I told myself that I am worth taking care of and should take care of myself for my children. Set a good example for them. It worked....70 lbs lighter, one daughter 20 lbs lighter, and a 4 year…