gjohns13 Member


  • Grains are also typically highly processed (or at least the ones that most people eat are). Even things that are "whole grains" are usually processed more than plain old meat and veggies. To make bread you have to separate the grain, grind the grain, mix the grain with other stuff, and heat the grain for a while to make it…
  • I'd say the biggest difference is Atkins is basically low carb, while Paleo/Primal Blueprint is more anti-processed foods. I think a lot of people assume Paleo means low carb, but when I track my macro nutrients I ended up actually eating more carbs on a Primal style diet (almost all carbs were from vegetables and a little…
  • I've thought about this too (being from the south I eat too much fried food). I was thinking weight the oil before hand and after to see how much the chicken and flour adsorbed. Or maybe weigh the prepared chicken before hand and after. Any difference would be oil. Of course this assumes no flour fell off into the oil…
  • I jokingly gave bad advice to some drumline students I was teaching during band camp. One student complained of sweating too much and I told him to not drink water and he wouldn't sweat. (Which is true). I quickly told all of them to never follow that advice and gave them a water break.