dianathepenguin Member


  • We're going to AmazingCon in Las Vegas this year! Chicago's C2E2 is in our backyard, so of course we went (as Rose Tyler and the 9th incarnation of The Doctor). I'm hoping to drop as much weight as comfortably possible and working on a Catwoman (Injustice style) costume for June... Never been to Vegas or Amazing Con.. Has…
  • Hi! My name is Diana and I'm happy to be a Chicago hooper! I was introduced to flow arts in general by some dear friends of mine. I started with poi, but never got truly get excited about practicing. Then, we got into hooping and I am loving it! Waist is doing ok holding the hoop up, and with concentration, I can sink it…
  • So many things! But lately, I've been hitting Kinect Adventures BIG TIME. That game is actually pretty hard in advanced levels. Also for Kinect: Fruit Ninja. Its addictive. Otherwise, working my way through DOA 5 when I don't feel like getting off my butt. :)
  • Marathon Durandal on networked Macs :D Aaaand, Scarab of Ra.
  • XBL: BangBangKittah. Up for almost any game type, but have been favoring the antisocial, single player games lately. More or less, I'm a Skyrim addict.
  • Jersey Shore = waste of time. I wish people didn't become famous for being loud, obnoxious, and self-centered. But... that day hasn't come yet when the meek will inherit the Earth :D So... i guess until then, we watch this crap.
  • Height: 5'0".5 Weight: 130 Jeans Size: 12!! (US) Shirt Size: Medium to Large (depending on the cut) Its funny how people who are only about 1-2 inches taller than me and weigh the same weight are a significantly smaller size. Thanks for starting this topic!
  • The most motivating thing for me is when people ask me if I've been losing weight. I've only lost 5 pounds so far, but 2 people have asked me in the course of 2 weeks! It makes me feel so accomplished and makes me feel like I want to keep going! :)
  • 5'0" here. But doesn't it make such a great difference on our small bodies once the weight starts coming off? Even the 4 lbs I've lost so far seems really noticeable to me :)