

  • Congratulation on joining MFP. Weee. There is no plan for success that works unless you do. Set backs happen. Don’t let a set back, vacation or period of bad decisions lead you to quit. Everyone has set backs. But they are never permanent unless you quit. Sometime its all about recommitting. Tons of people make New Years…
  • #1. Stay committed. Or re-commit as the case may require. #2 Before, you conclude that you have cut your metabolism down, as some have suggested, with under eating, challenge your body. I’ve seen lots of other comments on your frustration. There are always lots of unknowns. While some may speculate that your metabolism has…
  • I took my wife best friend to the prom when I was in High School. We knew each other but we didn’t really except once or twice. Far form high school sweet hearts. We did go to the gym and did weight training from time to time during the summer though. We got interested in each other when I came back form 2 years in…