ponchysue Member


  • I overindulged this morning on a "junk food" and now feel yucky. I'm going to eat some carrots to try to make up for it. I may have to run off some bad decisions later. :wink:
  • I've never heard of that cream! I'll ask my doctor about it if I ever hear back about my test results. :neutral: I've left two messages and it's been almost 4 weeks! The clean eating seems to be working. I feel better, haven't had the usual tummy upset and I have lost weight. Some of the foods I'm enjoying, some not so…
  • That's good to know! I had lost 5 pounds as of yesterday but woke up constipated this morning. I don't think I had enough veggies with all that meat. I'll try harder next Wednesday and Thursday. I picked up more veggies so here's hoping! Today is the hubby's birthday. I had a veggie omlet at breakfast and we are going to a…
  • Thanks! It is actually better today. Funny you mention the whiskers...I'm of Italian descent and get a stray on my chinny chin chin every so often. Sadly, my sister has PCOS and has a bigger problem with hairs on the wrong place. I don't have a Mario 'stache though. Today starts phase two, protein and veggies for two days.…
  • Good questions. The diet is called the Fast Metabolism Diet. No wheat, corn, soy, dairy, caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, dried fruit or fruit juices, no artificial sweeteners and no fat-free diet foods. The portions are scaled by how much weight you want to lose. It's a chart in the book. I've been running for years, but…