chezjuan Member


  • I don't think mixing all that would taste too good. I would say try the Kitchen's of India paste with some yogurt to marinate the chicken, then sauté the onion in a tbsp. of oil, and add the tomatoes after a couple of minutes. Then, when the oil starts to separate from the sides, add the marinated drumsticks and cook until…
  • I think cwolfman13 provided a good answer that addressed the OPs question pretty adequately. In the grand scheme of things, it is calories in/calories out. Hormones, medication, the thermic effect of food, inaccurate logging, failure to be consistent, and other factors all affect either the calories in or calories out side…
  • Title should be "Too much added sugar linked to heart disease" From the article: and I would think that people getting 25% of their total calories from added sugar alone would be deficient in many nutrients (both macro and micro). ETA: Now I've piqued my curiosity and did some math, it would definitely be possible to meet…
  • I disagree. I ate a watch, and I know that my intestines know what time it is now. It was a digital watch so they have no excuse that they cannot read roman numerals or don't know what the big hand or little hand means. And they set the alarm for midnight so they know when to switch from one day's calories to the next.…
  • Actually, I would say the word is politics... senators and representatives in farm states can't get elected without continuing the practice of subsidies, so they stick with the status quo. The subsidies don't bring in extra government money (though they definitely can bring in campaign contributions to the people who vote…
  • I eat cereal a 2-3 times a week and this is what I do as well. This morning, I had a bowl of Kashi GoLean Crunch with a cut-up banana in whole milk and a Chobani blueberry yogurt for the snack. Total of 30g of protein.
  • It's hard to give specific advice on this without knowing what you like and don't like. From the standpoint of steady-state cardio exercise (treadmill, elliptical, etc.), your calorie burns are affected more by your heart rate than the machine you use, so I would say find something you like doing and do that. If you like…
  • Like everyone else, I use the recipe builder. I weigh all the ingredients raw and add all spices/oils etc. I use (even if it is just a dash). I search the database for the raw entries - for most things, just add "raw" and "USDA" after the item name and you get the USDA Nutrition database information which tends to be very…
  • Stanfield organic is good yogurt, and they do both Greek and regular with fruit.
  • NaCl is a chemical that is in most foods, and even my shampoo! And I just found out that it has a component that was used in poison gas in World War I! If that's not dangerous, I don't know what is! j/k. And why my shampoo has NaCl in it is a complete mystery to me.
  • Part of the problem is that when you are making food in industrial-sized portions, and using 25 lb. bags of ingredients, it's hard to say how much of any one ingredient actually makes it into the final product. Kind of like when you make blueberry muffins at home and get one with three blueberries, and most of the others…
  • This. According to how MFP works, the macros are a percentage of total calories. If you hit your goal each macro you should hit your total calorie goal.
  • I actually think that kind of a suggestion is "fightin' words" in Dublin! OP: I drink regularly. I did cut down a bit while I was losing weight, but I still would have a drink (beer/wine/scotch and soda) almost every day. Now that I am on maintenance, I have generally have 2 on an average weeknight, but I make sure that it…
  • Not me :tongue: If a good MFP app is a requirement, I would not recommend getting a Windows phone at this time. I have a Windows Phone (HTC 8x) and would not recommend the MFP app at this time. I love everything else on my phone as much as I liked my Android, but the MFP app is too buggy and unstable since they released a…
  • By itself, an eggroll is neither healthy nor unhealthy (whether or not it's consumed in the wrapper). How it fits into your daily (or weekly) macro and calorie goals determines the effect it may have on your health. So if eating an eggroll makes it so you don't hit your protein numbers, it would be potentially less healthy…
  • A quick calculation puts your TDEE at about 2325 if you were completely sedentary (desk job/no exercise). Your BMR is around 1940. If you up your calories to 1950, you could maintain a 1 lb. a week loss and not be as hungry, especially if you include a decent amount of protein in your meals. 1lb a week is not a bad rate of…
  • Eat a balanced diet that includes foods you like while maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • This. One day of overeating will not ruin anything unless you let it. I've gone over calories or messed up my macros several times, and still lost the weight. I've been maintaining for 6 months now and go over about once a month on average. Worst it will do is slow your loss, unless you let it make you quit.
  • If I've met all my macros for the day to my satisfaction, then I will fill calories with an adult beverage or two. If not, in'll try to have something that fills the macros I need for a nighttime snack, like a homemade milkshake with some protein powder.
  • +1 for the Applegate Farms uncured beef hotdog. 70 calories, decent macros, and real hotdog taste, unlike turkey dogs.
  • Yes, you will still lose weight. From a weigh loss perspective, it's how much you eat, not what you eat.
  • I go over my goal at least once a month, and have since I started. It never slowed my weight loss and hasn't messed with my maintenance either. If you are worried about it slowing your loss, just work it into your weekly average, so if you figure you'll be about 1000 over your regular deficit, just get another 200 calories…
  • As many have said, he is going to have to decide to change for himself. I was that person for the longest time (although I have always enjoyed a varied diet and generally tend to make healthy choices, I would just eat too much of it...). In my case, friends and family (and even my doctor) would mention it to me, and I…
  • "Abs are made in the kitchen" refers to the fact that a calorie deficit is how you lose fat. When you lose the fat, it uncovers the muscle. Unfortunately, there is no way to "spot reduce" - the body burns fat from wherever it wants, and you cannot say "I'm going to target ab fat." Also, it is generally my experience that…
  • Some people want to track exercise but not have to worry about it messing with their MFP calorie goal, so they enter it as one calorie. That way they can refer back to their exercise diary. I personally just don't log my exercise anymore, I just make sure I do it.
  • NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, basically what you burn from daily activities outside of your exercise routine. It is what MFP uses. You are correct that if you do TDEE, you do not eat back exercise as it should be included in the equation. You may need to tweak the number a little as online…
  • I am at maintenance right now and I find that TDEE works better for me rather than NEAT. When I tried to maintain on NEAT, i kept losing, but TDEE has gotten the number closer for me. When I was losing I did NEAT and was ok, but I didn't mind if I lost an extra lb. here and there. ETA: for clarity, when I did NEAT I ate…
  • A fried egg, cheese, and bacon works. Ketchup, sliced mozzarella, and a sprinkle of oregano Butter and jam Almond butter Hummus Cream cheese
  • I started by cutting my calories and adding exercise. Other than that I didn't change anything. This worked for me. As I learned more, I started tweaking things - upping my protein, adjusting my exercise routine, etc. Once you get started, just tweak things until you find something that works for you. And don't worry about…