bmf9812 Member


  • I log the tea as a tea bag (usually the brand comes up) along with any sweeteners I use under snack. My water intake tracking is for plain water but I do drink a lot of lemon water to hit my water goal, so I’ll add the lemon under snack.
  • how much did the watermelon weigh out to on your scale? A lb of cherries is around 286 calories...
  • I had a fitbit zip and I liked it. I bought it for the motivation to be more active during my work day since I sit at a desk from 9-5. I upgraded to the fitbit one because I wanted to start tracking my sleeping patterns after several weeks of waking up lethargic. If you just want a number, pedometer or app on your phone…
  • I'm starting tonight with the fit test! Trying to wrap my head around all the things I need to do to be successful right now. Very stressful!
  • I've found that spinach is usually the best green to use because it's easily disguisible (sp?). I like to do: spinach, half a banana (depending on size), 1/3 c plain or vanilla Greek yogurt, 1/3c frozen pineapple chunks, vanilla almond milk and a slash of oj for sweetness.