

  • 4'11 - although, I call it 5'0" !!!! as i'm in the middle of both!, so round up higher ;-)
  • Thanks for the reassurance..... Okay my vitals!! age - 37 (female) Height - 5'0" Weight - 9 stone Ideal weight - 8 stone (but I think 8 1/4 is - 8 1/2 is also fine) i'm aiming to do 35 mins of cardio 4 times per week and also weights. I've been eating 1200 calories since Monday and working out as planned but no weight loss…
  • Hi Fellow Fitness Pals! I've just joined this website on Monday and filled in the numbers about my height/weight, what my ideal weight it etc etc the lovely virtual fitness guru tells me I need to consume 1200 per day to achieve my results (i'm 37 female). I got my hubby to join and he's also been told by the virtual…