Vianco Member


  • Yes, I've started taking supplements like vitamins, etc. I've elected not to take medication to control pain or any other Lupus type symptoms because as you probably know since there's no cure because they don't know where it comes from or how it comes to be all the meds are technically "experimental". I stay away from…
  • I can honestly say that I've been doing really well with my diet. It's hardest when I have company meetings because it's always something the "guys" want. I'm an engineer so when I say "guys" it's because I work with mainly men. They are always wanting the BBQ or Cheddars.... I'm not much of a salad eater..... Anyhow, I'll…
  • Hey there... I did Insanity when I first started my weight loss and lifestyle change back in March. I weighed (at 5'9") 217-220 lbs and after the 60 days I weigned 165. With the help of the nutritional changes also. I'm back up to 175 which is decent for my build etc but I would like to go down to 160 and maintain that…
  • I have (3) teens... 16, 15, & 14. My girls are 14 & 15. The verb you used they haven't been. However, they do attempt to become mouthy at times. They are somewhat terrified with mom's potential wrath so they go head on with dad...... Anyhow, there's not much you can do. It, for the most part, IS a phase. However, I with…
  • Weight doesn't "cure" as you probably know... :smile: However, it does contribute to the negative thoughts and feelings. I think that what you're going through you'll probably need to step out of your own shoes and look in and evaluate your entire life, i.e your surroundings. I've been as small as a size 2 and as large as…
  • LOL. Yes, sugar wise and calorie wise, it is better than the normal Coke. However, it's just awful when there's no moderation and that's my issue. I don't know when to push away. When you sub it for water, uh, yeah, that's a bit much and now I'm SO addicted that my withdrawls are off the chain! :ohwell: