

  • Sounds like you're a very wise young lady. It is probably best to sit your parents down and explain that you will have to take them to court if they don't fill this out (to become a ward of the court) and that it would be better for your dad to come clean and file his taxes. Seriously - he's only making things much worse…
  • As you are under 24 and not married, you're in quandary. You *could* claim no income for your father (since he doesn't file a tax return). However, they are REQUIRED to either fill the thing out or pay for your education. Your only other options would be to become a ward of the court, get married, or prove that your…
  • Daily upkeep, no. Vigorous housework, yes. And I'm losing, so no worries.
  • This is lovely! My grandmother introduced me to Middle Earth, she's been gone for 20 years now, but I bet she would have loved something like this!
  • I weigh and record my weight every morning. If I didn't drink enough water or ate a lot of salty food, that will show up, and then I know to adjust my water/food/exercise for the day accordingly. I'd rather catch things early.
  • I sometimes do an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Generally, though, I do 30 min of HITT training twice a day, and that's plenty. :-)
  • Personally, I don't care if it is or it isn't good for you, I am not giving it up.
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