

  • I got so much more answers than I expected. Thanks everyone! :D I hope you all have a great night.
  • Okay, eat more calories and do strength training in addition to cardio... Sounds good. So should I do like 45 mins of cardio & 45 mins of strength training daily?
  • I just had an Ah-HA moment! I'm not doing any strength training!!!!
  • I started weight training today actually. It is kind of hard to get into since I haven't really done it very much but, I see how it could be helpful. Thank you for the link, it is very helpful ^.^
  • Yeah I'm looking back at my food diary & seeing how my diet has fluxuated a lot. I was sick majority of the week 2 weeks ago & I was only eating about 500- 900 calories a day. Maybe my body is just trying to make up for that.
  • Oh well right now I'm trying this detox diet so it kind of looks ridiculous. :P It's more of an experiment than trying to lose weight. I'm not sticking to hard to it cause, if I'm hungry I'll eat. But, my diet usually includes eating fruits & veggies. Occasionally chicken. I…