

  • Sweet ! The person below me has insomnia.
  • I don't care for the Whey stuff. Visalus powder tastes better to me. I really tried on the Whey my DR sold me 2 different times but I could not get motivated and while it tasted ok, I find my new shake choice easier. Maybe it is because so many different people use it but also I like the package better than the huge whey…
  • >raises hand< yes, I'm an emotional eater but now working on my self esteem is starting to help. Plus the truth for me, nothing feels as good as having energy. If i lose 5-10lbs, I notice how much better I feel. I'll not go back to that dark place again. Maybe I'll slip up but never like before. This has been an issue for…
  • I'm going to work on this with my DR. It is going to be a lifestyle change for sure. The shakes I may stick with, off and on after I reach my goals but it is up to me not to fall back into using food as a way to cope with depression. I have 3 DRs and they all agreed, except my FP. She is worried and wants me to do it…
  • Thank you.
  • Also I'll be doing monthly weigh-ins at my DR. I find a scale here frustrates me. Like most people, i want it now. How can i make this journey more spiritual? A lot of meditating, prayer and soul searching.....i guess. It would be even more wonderful if I could meet someone near me to exercise with. This may not be the…
  • Oh and I would love friends to help support one another. Right now I'm even nervous to place a picture of myself as I'll have to face the camera and take a new one. Anyone else tired of hiding from the camera? It's embarrassing. Looking back at photos when I was first married makes me cry. I'll get back there but am…
  • You can do it. I'm short and need to lose around 80lbs. By myself I've lost 22 but today is my official starting point. My DR recommends going to the YMCA and doing the water aerobics to start off. Plus walking my dogs and house cleaning can burn calories fast. One thing I've noticed, when I'm actually hungry, raw carrot…