

  • I am 47 and I really think it is harder to lose weight now. If I lose 2 I am estatic. I don't want to get discouraged though. If it takes a long time then I guess thats the way it is. I would love to lose 45 lbs. I have lost 4 so far. I found this website two weeks ago and I really like it. It's just like Weight Watchers…
  • I joined a week ago and I think this is an amazing website and it's FREE. It has been very helpful. I have been looking for someone to keep me motivated and I saw your post.
  • I got on the scale today to start another weight loss journey. I just can't seem to keep it off. Anyway it wan't good but I know it could be worse. I see all the weight people have lost and it gives me alot of motivation. I am glad somebody let me know about tyhis website