kevdylaly2011 Member


  • Hi everyone! My name is Heather and I'm a SAHM for now. I have three kids ages 13, 11, and 4. My daughter will be starting school this next school year and then I will be going back to work. Being a SAHM has it's ups and downs. I've been on MFP for a year but never really used it. It such an excellent site!! I recently got…
  • My current job is a stay at home mom. I miss working so much! I am a CNA, have my Real Estate License, have done some management, just a little bit of everything. Now I'm a slave to cleaning, laundry, errands, kids, I love my family and I am looking to go back to work since my daughter will be starting school…
  • I agree with someone up at the top. I think that him telling you your overweight and need to lose has nothing to do with him. If your overweight then your overweight. You probably already know that. I'm sure your Dr knows his body probably pretty well. His job is to look out for your well being. Most Dr's I've seen are…
  • I feel the same way. Most of the people in my life, sad but true, are sabotagers. My husband is supportive but some of my family will try to get me to go out to eat or what not. I feel like no one, besides my husband, wants me to succeed. I know I am in charge and make my own decisions but sometimes it can be hard. Plus it…
  • Fort Myers, FL. I need some buddys! Feel free to add me : )