

  • I havent! that would be great...can you recommend a good dvd? we live in a very small town and they do not have any classes here?
  • heart rate question, Im pretty sure they dont want it over 170, when they admitted me into the hospital and realized I had the condition my heart rate was 299 - 303 they were freaking which was causing me to freak, I was in and out of conciousness, it was real NOT now I have to take 2 meds a day im thinking…
  • Thank you guys so much! the P90X I have already tried, you deff have to commit to it, its like boot camp honestly, in the first set i had to do about 5 types of push ups, whew they were tuff! if you dont have the problems I have and you can commit to it then I would buy it off ebay ( half the price) and do it b/c I know it…
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