JenniferA1030 Member


  • Hey! Im pretty new to this also. Made a username abou 3years ago but never used it. Im back now and here for the same reasons **in need of motivation!** Good luck on your journey, it won't be easy but it will be worth it!!
  • Thanks Erin! I am trying to adding some new things to my workout. I have a lot of injuries which limit what I can do (sucks!) and I work toooo much which limits how many times a week I can work out (also sucks!) but hopefully I will get out of this funk soon! Feel free to share any healthy and tasty recipes if you know any!
  • Hey! Soo I am new to this. Well actually I've had this username for like 2 years but neverrrr used it! I sort of gave up on myself I guess. But now I am back. On February 18th, 2012 I decided to change my life.. FOR ME! So far I've lost about 30lbs on my own with little/no outside support. However, now I am feeling like I…