gma8903 Member


  • I love both the Crossfire and Afterburn workouts. I'm 68 so I understand what you're saying about the high impact cardio. Believe it or not, I'm not dying when I finish. LOL! I'm tired, but it's a good tired. There are a few moves that I have altered slightly. I figure I'll work on them a little at a time until I'm able to…
  • Thanks. That's about what my kettlebell workout is. I'll use that since The Firm isn't listed.
  • Thanks. Any idea how many calories it burns?
  • Thank you both. I bought Jillian's and also Kathy Smith's. I've been doing Kathy's for about a week. Love it. When I need a change up, I'll switch to Jillian's for a while. So far I'm loving it, and can already feel a difference.
  • Reptileszz............When you say 800 calories an hour, what size kettlebell are you using? I'm 67 and fairly new at using kettlebells. So I've started with a really light one, in hopes of moving up as I get better at it.
  • Thanks! I really appreciate the info. I've been searching the internet, and found an older one of Jillian Michaels'. It says it's for any age, so I ordered it. Hopefully she's right when she says any age.
  • Thanks, Mokey41. I appreciate your help. I noticed your Boo Bees. Are you by chance a beekeeper? My husband and I are. They're amazing little creatures.
    in Glider Comment by gma8903 October 2012
  • Thanks. I think either of those should come close to the calories burned. Great ideas!
    in Zumba Comment by gma8903 October 2012
  • This may have been addressed before, but how to you figure kettlebells into your fitness record? I tried doing a search for them, but nothing came up. Thanks!
  • I'm 67 and using a small kettlebell. I love it, but every time I use it my lower back really hurts. The same thing happens with Taebo. Any suggestions? I try to watch my form, but I'm I know it's not perfect. I really don't want to give up on the kettlebells. I've pretty much stopped Taebo because of the pain. :( I…
  • Thanks for the input. We don't have the Curves Smart machines. I had hoped we would get them, but unfortunately our Curves is closing soon. :( I'll probably use my ski machine and treadmill, along with my various dvd's. I just need to stay motivated. It's easier for me to get distracted when I'm working out at home. New…
    in Curves Comment by gma8903 October 2012
  • I was wondering the same thing. I just asked that it be added to the exercise listings. Hopefully they will. :)
    in Zumba Comment by gma8903 October 2012
  • They announced a few months ago that they will be on in January. Jillian will be joining them.
  • Thanks to each of you! I'm new to this site, so I'm still trying to figure out all the settings, etc. So far I love this site! I think it's going to be perfect to help me lose.
    in Low Carb Comment by gma8903 October 2012